We combine western and natural medicine treatments into a holistic practice, offering a comprehensive approach to your health.
Our practitioners understand and respect each others' modalities. Together we provide you with the best possible pathways back to health, using a combination of conventional and complimentary therapies.

Debbie Bates - Reflexologist

Debbie will be contactable on her mobile for future appointments, please call 0418 456 291.

Debbie has been bringing her magic hands to reflexology since 2001, assisting clients in releasing stress and dis-ease in the physical, emotional and mental bodies, restoring to a natural state of harmony and balance.  She is passionate about health and wellbeing and her professional journey has taken her into private practice, performing reflexology on staff and management in corporations both in health and wellbeing clinics, with the aged and the homeless in a voluntary capacity.

Debbie studied with the Australian School of Reflexology and has undertaken multiple training courses which attributes to a wealth of techniques that assist individuals in restoring their natural state of being.  Reflexology is a profound pressure therapy involving focused pressure and relaxation techniques to points on the feet which correspond to other parts of the body.  As a holistic treatment, reflexology stimulates the body’s own healing processes, encouraging a stress-free, harmonious state of being which is where healing is able to occur and it feels great!

Reflexology can work as a preventative measure against conditions such as chronic stress, fatigue, circulatory problems, asthma and allergies, gastrointestinal problems, hormonal imbalances, respiratory problems, headaches and tension, insomnia, musculoskeletal discomfort, fluid retention and much more.

Diploma of Reflexology

Cert 4 in Life Coaching & Mentoring

Bachelor of Social Work

Member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Association (ATMS)

Member Australian Social Workers Association (AASW)

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