We combine western and natural medicine treatments into a holistic practice, offering a comprehensive approach to your health.
Our practitioners understand and respect each others' modalities. Together we provide you with the best possible pathways back to health, using a combination of conventional and complimentary therapies.

Kim Minos - Naturopath

 Kim has relocated to 169B Gibbs Road, Nowergup, and you can make future appointments by calling 0428 096 828.

Kim is a graduate of the Australian College of Natural Medicine with further study at Victoria University in Western Herbal Medicine and Health Sciences in Natural Medicine.  He has sixteen years experience in complementary medicine working as a naturopath, herbalist and teaching naturopathy.

His love of plants started as a child which led him to a career in landscape gardening, bushland revegetation and environmental education. Kim has an innate understanding of the healing potential within nature. This love extends to growing a large variety of herbs in his garden ( see blog) which he uses to create his own herbal remedies and teas.

His first experience of a holistic approach to health care occurred in Thailand where he observed traditional healers working in villages. This experience opened his understanding of the potential of a holistic approach to healing. This was the catalyst for him to study Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine.

Kim has a unique approach to naturopathy, blending his wisdom of the healing potential of nature with his university science based learning to entwine the art and science of health and healing. Kim also draws on his own healing journey as he healed himself from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. This has given him compassion and understanding for the healing experience of his clients.
He has a holistic approach where body, heart, mind and spirit are considered in bringing about health and wholeness. Each patient is seen as an individual where he works empathically with them, addressing underlying causes to bring about wellness. He assists his patients through education to understand how they can become empowered in their journey towards optimal health and well-being.

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